Reckless driving is one of the scenarios that carry the most fines within the highway code of the General Directorate of Traffic. The financial amount amounts to up to 500 euros, while with respect to the driving license it means the loss of six points.

If you also have the aggravating circumstance of being under the influence of alcohol, another 500 euros can be added to the fine at least, which would leave it at a total of 1,000 euros combining both road violations.

This is what happened to a driver in Palamós. The man drove onto the beach with his car, a high-end SUV, and began spinning in the sand, while several neighbors looked on and alerted the police.

Although the daredevil fled the scene, the videos recorded by witnesses helped security forces locate the owner of the vehicle, a man of French origin, as confirmed by the Palamós city council on its Twitter account.

After being arrested, it has been confirmed that he is a repeat driver, since he has several fines under his belt for speeding. To all this we must add that he was driving under the influence of alcohol.