The Danish stock market has the last few days has been marked by the greatest fluctuations in the years.

on Thursday dropped the Danish shares with over eight percent, which was the biggest fall in price since 2008.

on Friday, the picture is opposite, and C25-index rises at 13 with 7.3 percent for the index 1105.

There is not seen a major increase in one day since the autumn of 2008, when the financial crisis had broken out, and the stock market was paralyzed by nervousness.

Thursday’s big drop was triggered by the great concern about the spread of the coronavirusset.

According to Christian Thatje, there is equity trader at Sydbank, is there any deeper reason for Friday’s big rise.

– It has not with the fundamental news to do – it is a rebound, as we often see, after the great fall, where there is a backlash on the day following, saith the Christian Thatje to Ritzau Finance.

C25-index has dropped 20 percent over the last three weeks, where coronavirusset has spread to large parts of the world.

The large price declines must be seen in light of a massive advancement in 2019 and early 2020. Since the start of 2019 is C25-index has increased 11 percent.