How has it been to make ’Sommerdahl’?

– Fun and exciting. The atmosphere and the contact between us actors were crazy good. It was a really good experience.

– How was it to record in Elsinore?

– There was something special about running to Elsinore every morning. A little like driving up to a different world. Often one is downloaded, but I ran even. Sometimes I put a playlist on, which was tailored to the mood and the scenes I had to play. I knew not Elsinore as well, but there is of course ridiculously beautiful. They had found some wild places to record.

– How has it been to play Marianne Sommerdahl?

– It was great for me with a really voksenrolle. I saw a young woman for a very long time and have played many ungpige dilemmas. Here I am a grown woman with an adult child. It is more at eye level with the dilemmas that are in my own and my friends ‘ lives.

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What was most interesting about the role?

– I like to play fragile characters, and Marianne has an inner struggle between feelings and reason. She will a little of it and dare not really take any decision in relation to his life and marriage with Dan. Her doubt is a fun vacuum to play in.

– Yes, your character ends up in a love triangle. Is it something you even know?

– Not personally. But I can easily relate to the character. She has taken a choice, married and had children with a man, but at the same time an old flame, not burnt out completely. There are many possible life out there, and something interesting is happening, when things suddenly get thrown up in the air.

– Are there things in the footage that you particularly remember?

Marianne and the Dance of the common dog is a good focal point in the story and a piece of string between the two. But the dog was just a living hell to work with. We had constant sausages in your hands to get it to toe the line. In a scene I’m sitting and crying on the beach. Dan will send the dog over to comfort me, but it runs just out and showering. I think the dog most was the cast of ’cuteness’.

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Photo: Philip Davali/Ritzau Scanpix

45 years of age.

Graduated from the acting School at Aarhus Theatre in 2001.

Best known from the ’Pusher’, ’unit one’, ’Anna Pihl’, ’Lærkevej’ and ’Crime’.

Play composed by mike westergaard Marianne Sommerdahl in TV2 Charlies series ’Sommerdahl’. The series runs over eight sections, with inspiration from Anna Grues books about ’The bald detective’.

– What plans do you have now?

I’ve actually just started my own keramikkælder on Nørrebro in Copenhagen. My hope is that I can eventually live so well of it that I can choose for themselves what roles I say yes to.

– Would a series like ’Sommerdahl’ so be something, you said yes to?

– certainly. We have made eight title, the timing of which is similar to the four-five feature films. It gives time to make detaljescener, and you get the opportunity to dig deeper into the characters and the relationships. As an actor it’s just really exciting.

’Sommerdahl’ can be seen on TV2 Charlie Sunday at 20.50 and on TV2 Play.

See also: Danish seriestjerne is back on screen after ten years


Three I even ka’ li’

1. ’Matador’

– It still holds. Simply written, but with great depth. Historic and exciting.

2. ’The heirs’

– Interesting problems. Complex characters and really good acting.

3. ’The boys from Angora’

– They are so precise in the roles, and then it’s just forever fun.

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