The Civil Guard has warned through its social networks about the “capon” method that some drivers use to make turns with their car without taking into account other road users. The armed force, with traffic responsibilities on Spanish roads, except in Catalonia and the Basque Country, shows in a message published on the social network correct.

“The “A Capón” method is used a lot to make turns when driving. The correct method is safer,” writes the Civil Guard in the tweet. “It is not because of the fine,” adds the text, leaving it understood that, beyond the penalty that the infraction entails, turning “at the curb” can endanger the integrity of other drivers and pedestrians.

The message is accompanied by four illustrations, each of which shows a traffic situation during turning maneuvers. They are the turn on a bus-taxi lane, indirect turn, turn on a wide road and opposite turn. Some maneuvers that must be carried out with care as La Benemérita highlights.

In the first illustration you can see how a car traveling in the second lane (the first is a bus-taxi lane) is preparing to turn right. To make the turn correctly, the car driver must signal the maneuver before invading the other lane and giving way to buses and taxis that circulate in them. Furthermore, you have to make sure that no two-wheeled vehicle travels between the two lanes.

To make a change of direction to the left on a road where it is prohibited to do so directly, you must first turn right and then cross the road. If there is no traffic light, the driver must be patient and give way to other vehicles if they do not have priority.

In situations where a left turn is permitted, it is very important to follow a series of steps to ensure a safe and fluid maneuver. First of all, it is essential to clearly indicate your intention to turn, using the corresponding turn signal. Subsequently, you must give way to vehicles approaching from the opposite direction, even stopping if necessary, thus avoiding occupying the opposite lane.

This scenario occurs when vehicles in both directions have the option of turning left, creating a potentially complicated situation at the intersection. The complexity lies in the possible coincidence of two vehicles, one in each direction, preparing to make the turn.

To approach this maneuver safely, the Civil Guard advises as a first step to use the center of the intersection as a reference and draw a path to the left with an angle of 90º. In this way we can execute the turn precisely and avoid possible conflicts with other vehicles.

When another vehicle in the opposite direction is preparing to make the turn, it is necessary to overtake it and perform our own turning maneuver behind it. Once the turn has been made, we must be attentive to the presence of pedestrians who could be crossing the new road, making sure to give them priority and guarantee their safety.

According to the General Traffic Regulations, when making a turn to the right or left to enter a different road, the driver is obliged to signal it sufficiently in advance to warn the vehicles that follow him. Additionally, you must ensure that the speed and distance of oncoming vehicles allow you to perform the maneuver safely.

The regulations clearly establish that if the driver cannot comply with these conditions, he must refrain from making the turn to leave the road on which he is traveling. It also emphasizes that any lane change must be carried out respecting the priority of the vehicles traveling in the lane you wish to occupy.

Fines for turning in a solid line generally fall into the category of fines for reckless driving or serious traffic violations. Making a prohibited change of address carries a fine of 200 euros. It is the same penalty that is applied to drivers who commit an infraction for changing direction, although in this case the fine is accompanied by the loss of 3 points on the driving license.