news 16062024 111043
news 16062024 111043

Financial expert Martin Lewis is urging individuals to check if they can increase their state pension by up to £74,000, but only if they were born before 1979. During his recent appearance on ITV, Martin emphasized the importance of buying back missing National Insurance years to boost your state pension amount. He explained that for every £800 spent, you could potentially add £6,100 per year to your pension. This strategy becomes more valuable as you near retirement age.

If you were born after 1979 and are under 45, Martin suggests that it may not be worth buying back missing NI years unless there are significant gaps in your history. He advised viewers to consider purchasing any missing years between 2006 and 2018 before the deadline next April. As you get closer to the state pension age, it becomes more evident that buying back these years is a wise decision.

Martin also highlighted the importance of having a minimum of 10 years of contributions to qualify for a state pension. He cautioned against buying back a small number of missing years that would not significantly impact your pension amount. However, if you are close to reaching the 10-year mark and can buy a year, it could greatly increase your pension benefits.

In conclusion, Martin Lewis’s warning about maximizing your state pension by buying back missing National Insurance years is a crucial financial tip for those approaching retirement age. It’s essential to assess your current NI record and consider purchasing any gaps to potentially increase your pension pot significantly. Remember, the earlier you take action on this, the more lucrative it could be in the long run. Stay informed about financial news and tips by subscribing to our free newsletter for daily updates.