the Residues of the two herbicides, there has never been legal in Denmark, have been found in the big test of the groundwater.236 is changed to 263 in the third section. This correction replaces the correction published at 06.52, which by an error was made on a previous version.

the Substances from prohibited pesticides and endocrine-disrupting substances have been found in samples of groundwater.

It shows the largest study of groundwater, as the environmental protection Agency has ever made.

In total, 263 water wells have been investigated for 415 pesticides. In the six wells is the total found ten pesticides in high concentrations. It is clear from a press release from the ministry of environment.

There are three identified substances, which originate from illegal pesticides, there never has been allowed in Denmark.

in Addition, there is found the fungicide amitrol, which are endocrine disrupters.

– It is really quite unacceptable that the illegal use of pesticides in agriculture has led to pollution of our groundwater, says the minister of the environment Lea Wermelin (S).

– The Danish drinking water is unique, and we must take care – also for future generations, she says.

She adds that the environmental protection Agency now will strengthen the control of illegal imports of pesticides, and take up the matter with the agriculture, which is assessed to have used illegal means.

With the current knowledge, there is no health risk associated with nine of the ten detected pesticides were above the threshold.

It does not apply to amitrol. The substance must be assessed, if it is found in drinking water – and not only in the groundwater.

The municipalities where it is found amitrol, has been asked urgently to ensure that drinking water and indvindingsboringer be examined for the substance.

Overall, it is found residues of pesticides in each of the fifth drilling, but it is in so low concentrations that it is below the limit values.

In Denmark Naturfredningsfredning believe president Maria Reumert Gjerding, that the control should speed up.

The substances are illegal for a reason. Because they either pose a very high risk to our drinking water or health.

– And it shows, alas, that for years has not been a good enough control with the use of pesticides or the surveillance of our groundwater, as we now find still more illegal substances, she says in a press release.

At Danva, there is organization for drinking and spildevandsselskaber, calls the findings worrisome.

Claus Vangsgaard, who is a senior consultant at Danva, stresses that one should not be concerned about the drinking water.

The fund, which has been, is in very limited numbers, so consumers should not be worried about drinking their water, he says.

The Radical and the Device list will take the matter up with the minister.

the Device requires more control, the screening of several substances, and a ban on spraying the places where there is drinking water.

I am deeply shocked over the results. This applies both to the illegal use of pesticides and the scope in general, says miljøordfører Mai Villadsen.

– at the same time, one must remember that we, unfortunately, throughout history has been concerned substances, which later has been proven to be harmful, she says.