‘Travel home, where you come from’.

This prudish, Italian baroness from the Campus is the mark of bullying. the

My first encounter with Denmark in 1975 was the smell of the freshly cut, green grass. The purity, the clean streets, the beautiful nordic gods with tresses like gold.

All the women were gudesmukke and the men, the tall slender warriors…. Wow! I just have to say. Yes, I said this about the danes. And yes, I said ’the danes’, for I was first a Danish citizen later.

See also: Stephanie Star regret dildo-ups: I’m a big miljøsvin!

It was already hard suddenly having to be without my Italian family, to poke out and to be so fragile from the start. It has left its mark.

Before we came to Denmark we moved much from the borders of Italy. From Taormina, Messina, back to Naples, and back to Anzio near Rome – keep now shut up, I was thrown around, with a pit stop in Denmark, when my father met a Danish lady, and was so called in love with. And hey presto: Accident of luck, or is it vice versa.

I started in primary school in Hvidovre. I was a kropsbevidst child and knew well, that I was different charming than expected. I had the wildest brown lures and very light green eyes. There was a girl in the class, who could not suffer, and, hey presto, came the word: Spaghetti-negro.

See also: The pure bullshit: I get brækfornemmelser

I was so scared and angry at the same time. But I restrained the anger and temperament.

In the 30’s I was a polite and nice girl, she who with learned diplomacy could say nicely from. Flinkeskolen prevailed.

In the 40’s and now 50’s I am financially poor, raw, wild, and say, enough too much from. It will be many scared of, but the small, sweet Stephanie just have had enough and ARE NOT SO FRAGILE any MORE. But I am born optimist, and I’m a fighter.

See also: Ridiculous ‘rules’ in the tv-program: I had to not go in the bath

Spaghetti-negro – how inventive! With age I have become more selvironisk, but I must say that I am in my young years in Moscow was bullied.

I know of someone for it to be judged on appearance. I’m so different and came from another culture and was teased with it. I gave again, and threw the teacher’s kateder out the window of a big tantrum. It was crazy! Now Hold the mouth shut, it was good, there was no more. But I was also allowed to stay at home. Wow, a hell! Then I was not teased more!

It was not good for me. I was an injured, angry dog, injured after my many ailments. I missed my mother and family, and I suffered so terribly. I came from Sicily and could not find it. I was a vulnerable child, and a failed one of its kind. I was so angry, and my temper grew. It taught me that I should not howl with the wolves, I was among. For better be alone than in bad company.

See also: Stop it, for the hell of it here turns me on completely game of

Spaghetti-black – how racist! As those who know me well, know I have friends in all the layers. However, I am closer to the middle class and the disadvantaged than the rich. I do not judge anyone, for I have democracy and love in the blood and in my heart. The christian cross is in my home and on my body. If I were to have a tattoo, it would be a cross or a madonna. I am a christian and go often to church.

I see that more and more children are being bullied, they feel not good enough. The children and young people follows different influencere and they get influenced by the media and the internet, and the wise influencere destroy more than they think.

We all know that some are going after followers and likes. I did it myself – just without exploiting others. And yet I was the worst self even with my penchant for younger lovemaking. 29+ and up, now I say no thank you. I attract more age-appropriate types now.

I’m one of them, just with other messages than to be ridiculed for plastic and beauty industry. I am in favour of anti-age and embellishments – but with the way. I am a mature woman and is concerned about health. But there is so much more than beauty in life. There is a good, intimate conversations with friends and family, there are general debates. It is so nice to be this, damn it! Not all of the distance, it rots friendships, relationships and other good in life.

See also: I’m penniless: One crack damn sure not for the money

I also hear about voksenmobning in schools, institutions and in the business world – why do people always trynes down, why rests not more in itself?

I have even been bullied in a workplace. I was called everything in writing in an email. One of them was written like this: ’Stephanie is a afdanket former realitydeltager, there is no recognition ever receive, either in the tv, media or in life. She is all that ugly, who can stand up in a dictionary.’

today, I throw no longer with katederet. I have a different path to justice. I try to do my best, and it is not always good enough. But I can’t please everyone, and it is not my intention. I survive – I’ve always done. However, many children and young people are suffering, and there is not always time to save them. And the many adults – who saves them? Is that what we are in now, evolution or revolution?

See also: Before, I was the pure freakshow in the face – I looked like a bavians asshole