It has been some hectic days for a sign language interpreter Helen Vad.

As the prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) on Wednesday night closed large parts of the public sector down, stood the interpreter and conveyed the news via sign language.

Since it has one press conference on coronavirussets development taken the second. And each time with the first one and since the two sign-language interpreters on the sidelines.

– It is a very different situation, because we are totally unprepared on what it is for the messages, as ministers and officials come up with.

– We do not know anything in advance and can only read of the ministries websites and the media, to have as good a background as possible, says Helen Vad.

She works for CFD Tolkebooking, as the authorities have hired for the task to communicate the messages to approximately 4000 deaf people in Denmark.

– It is clear that we also become concerned when we hear that Denmark gets almost half closed down, as happened Wednesday.

– But when just to get a rush in the stomach, such as the majority of the population gets enough, and thinking: gosh, what happens now?

– But so does fat in themselves to get the full concentration, ” says Helen Vad.

It is new, you see sign language interpreters at government press conferences as it is seen the past week.

Tegnsprogstolkenes tv appearance has provoked many reactions. The vast majority are positive, tells Helen Vad.

– There are many shades in sign language, and we try to find the language code, that makes, that as many people as possible get something out of it, says Helen Vad.

But there are also reactions on social media, when some of the target audience not just think that the interpreters hits.

It is also not all words are equally easy to render in sign language.

‘Solnedgangsklausul’ is, according to Helen Vad one of the words, you just need to consider how to render.

another frequent word in pressemøderne – coronavirus – has got its own character.

It is identical with the graphical representation of the virus as a round ball, with ‘kongekroner’, which are deleted from the virus’s epicenter.

Then the character is made by using two hands – a clenched hand and a hand with splayed fingers.

Coronavirussen seems to have taken hold among the danes. And several press conferences may be expected the coming time.

for The same reason, there are now three interpreters, who, with short notice we can move out and convey your messages to the deaf.