You can find different ways to improve collaboration and teamwork among your employees. You can take them to other places for a weekend where you can conduct teambuilding activities. It is also everyone’s chance to know each other better.

An excellent idea would be to find large houses to rent with an indoor pool. You can take all your employees there if you have a small business. Find a house with enough rooms to accommodate all of you. Since the entire team is staying in the same place, it will be easy to conduct these exercises.

Plan the activities well

Since you are staying in a large house, you can maximise the available space to conduct teambuilding activities. You can have group competitions and fun exercises. You can also utilise the indoor areas if you want sharing and reflection activities. Make sure that everything you do will help build the necessary value for improving productivity at work.

Utilise the pool

The house may have a large pool that you can use to continue the exercises. There are activities that you can do while using the pool that are fun and exciting. As long as you observe safety in using the pool, it is okay.

Inform everyone about the plan

Although this teambuilding activity is an excellent idea, it does not mean everyone will agree to do it. There might be some members who will go against it and find it pointless. Others will have excuses because you are doing it at the weekend. Therefore, you need to inform everyone what is going to happen and why you are doing it. You need to finalise the plans ahead of time to reserve the place and set the date. Once everyone sees the value of the activity and most of the team members decide to join, everyone else will follow.

Provide plenty of free time

You are doing this activity and the employees do not need to come because you are not paying them to work. Since they decided to come, you need to make it a meaningful activity for them. The company has to pay the expenses for this activity to increase its appeal. Although you plan the details, you also need to provide lots of free time. Even then, you can still guarantee that employees learn from each other. You are all under the same roof. Even if the house is very big, each employee will have the chance to talk and get to know each other better. Encourage those who do not speak to each other at work to reach out and establish a relationship.

You can take the employees to a teambuilding exercise at least once a year. It is also your way of releasing stress from work. Even if you like working with each other, the pressure that work brings might make you hate the people you work with sometimes. With this activity, you bring everyone closer and see everyone’s different side.