I just can say that it is a difficult position to have, if you are not a professional social democrat, said the now former press officer in the ministry of Finance Sigga Nolsøe on Wednesday in connection with his resignation to the news agency Ritzau.

the Words come to provide a disruptive rungen on Christiansborgs times, assess Extra the Magazine’s political commentator Henrik Qvortrup.

Her expression is supergiftigt. The claim that all can come to, if they are skilled, are being questioned, he says.

Earlier, the government has faced criticism of their choice of pressechefer, as it is a embedsmandsstilling and should not had political influence.

despite That, be able to London in november to find that seven out of nine newly appointed pressechefer in the ministries either had in the past related to the Holocaust or to the new minister.

– She (Sigga Nolsøe, red.) say that if you are not accordingly, may not be employed in a ministry. It is really controversial, because it demolishes the claim that the government is just as like to use the officials of the one color to the other, says Henrik Qvortrup.

See also: president of the Danish parliament goes into the case on allegations of cronyism

Stikpillen is especially attention-grabbing because of its sender.

– Sigga Nolsøe is a skilled and level-headed public official, which neither inclining to the one or to the other side. The statement once again places the focus on the very strict way the government runs its communication teams on. There is a control here, which breaks the common practice. It is a very embarrassing case, says Henrik Qvortrup.

Henrik Qvortrup emphasizes that precisely on this point, the government has some recurring problems, where also the recent case of ‘angrebsmailen’ come into play.

– the Government is facing much pressure just at the point where it is all about, how it communicates and controls the hard. It looks ugly out, says the political commentator.

In the case of angrebsmailen ended Mette Frederiksen had italesætte the problem. It will, however, may not be necessary this time around.

– Until further regard to the fact that it is a civil service. But accounting is not a pretty picture.

There is not any replacement for it for the current, why the ministry of Finance without someone in the position during the ongoing negotiations on a udligningsreform.

Policy – 4. mar. 2020 – pm. 17:03 the ministry of Finance, without a press officer in the midst of countervailing frankincense