In the australian, the ABC’s investigative program ‘Four Corners’ was more young people and children all the way down to 11 years Monday back and told about how it feels to identify as a non-binary person – neither as a man or a woman.

the 11-year-old Olivia Purdue was one of the children who participated in the program and among other things told about his regular injections to block her puberty, and on the way to avoid developing breasts and getting menstrual periods.

– I’m non-binary, which means that I don’t have any sex. I’m just me, telling Olivia Purdue in the ABC program on Monday.

– the World is filled with boxes, and the two boxes are of a female and a male cashier. People try to tape the box to, so it stays that way. But I cut the tape up and opened the door for my own box, says the 11-year-old on.

In the program tells her mother, Jane Russo, that the daughter had been very stressed out over it, when she began to develop tits. Therefore, she began the pubertetsblokerende injections, and plan to continue them until she becomes 16 years of age. For even if the medication poses a greater risk for low bone density and osteoporosis, so think both Olivia Purdue and Jane Russo, that it is worth it all.

– For the reality is such, that I could end up with not to have a child, if I did not respond to what my child told me. Need to get pubertetsblokader saves actually Olivias life, Olivia can be, what Olivia will be.

The position to support the Olivia Purdues psychiatrist, Georgie Swift, up on in the program Four Corners. For according to him it can lead to serious mental problems, if you deny people the treatments they need to get the body and identitetsfølelsen to fit together.