Wall Street Journal Lays Off Five More Staffers

In a recent development, The Wall Street Journal has made the decision to lay off at least five more employees, impacting the U.S. news and “speed and trending” teams. This news comes as a surprise to many, with concerns raised about the potential impact on the quality of reporting and staff morale.

Most of the layoffs reportedly took place in New York, with notable names such as NYC reporter Erin Ailworth and staff reporter Ben Kesling being affected. Kesling, a former Marine, specialized in covering the Midwest and focused on national defense and veterans issues. Both individuals had been valued members of the team for approximately a decade.

While the specifics of the layoffs have not been officially commented on by a WSJ spokesperson, it has been noted that the decision is not solely driven by cost-cutting measures. An all-staff email from editor-in-chief Emma Tucker highlighted over three dozen open positions within the newsroom, some of which were created as a result of previous layoffs.

The lack of a clear business rationale for these recent cutbacks has caused frustration within the WSJ newsroom, leading to union members planning a lunchtime walkout in protest. Concerns have been raised about the potential negative impact on employee morale, loyalty, and the overall quality of reporting.

As the situation continues to unfold, many are left questioning the motives behind these layoffs and the long-term effects they may have on The Wall Street Journal’s reputation and journalistic standards. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.