Last Thursday, November 30, PIMEC and La Vanguardia organized a training and work day at the Movistar Center in Barcelona on the opportunities offered by the implementation of artificial intelligence in SMEs. The event, sponsored by Banc Sabadell and Telefónica, brought together various experts on the topic that has marked technological innovation during the year 2023, and that will surely be essential in the development of companies in the years to come.

Jordi Marín, general director of the ACEC-Patronal de las Consultoras de Catalunya, moderated an event in which there were several presentations focused on the same objective: how SMEs can use AI with the aim of achieving more effective management or organization of their resources. Among other things, they explained how economic investment in this technology is increasingly affordable for SMEs and some examples of good results obtained by companies that have already explored this new field of innovation were exhibited.

Manel Sanromà, president of CIVICAi, a civic artificial intelligence association, began his speech by expressing his conviction that “generative AI will lead the largest and fastest technological revolution in history.” To adapt to these profound changes, Sanromà offered some recipes analogous to those proposed by Lenin in his political treatise at the beginning of the last century ‘What to do’: a professional organization, the struggle of the workers, the alliance between groups and a government are necessary. “democratic” of AI. He also predicted that in the following years other enhanced technologies such as AI will be developed: “quantum computing, nanotechnology and biotechnology.”

Fabiola Nasca, director of Cognitive Projects at Banc Sabadell, expressed her conviction that the implementation of AI-based processes in organizations is one of the key elements of the change that the digital transformation of SMEs entails, a topic that was discussed last week. last day of Pymesconnect, at the beginning of November. Among the competitive advantages of AI in the financial sector, Nasca highlighted its capabilities for analyzing large amounts of data and autonomous learning: “Entities can make more informed decisions, automate and increase the efficiency of processes and improve the experience.” the client’s”. she assured.

Alex Gómara, head of business development in Industry at Telefónica Tech, offered his vision on the keys to implementing AI in SMEs: Firstly, “have a strategic vision and define clear objectives”; second, “always keep in mind that there is no use case without its return”; and finally, “be accompanied by a reliable and complementary partner.”

Finally, Andreu Bru, director of the Technology and Innovation Department of PIMEC, explained the new regulations that will regulate electronic invoicing in the Spanish State, when this obligation will come into force and the impact it will end up having on all companies and professionals in the state.