With the promise of not donating just a single ‘bent femøre’, put the Twitter user Farmand14 a chain, as at the time of writing has collected more than 25,000 kroner to danchurchaid.

The negative announcement got several other users to donate money to the charity in Farmand14’s name.

‘I have just donated 400 kr. in your name. Feliz Navidad to you!’, write user Claus Røndbjerg as one out of many.

The annual fundraiser is this year has been canceled, and instead kept virtual, where you are not allowed to put a tyver in bøssen, but rather send a dime of mobilepay. It happens as a result of the government’s call to show care in relation to coronavirus.

– We will not risk that neither our collectors were to be infected, or that our collectors were to infect any of them, there was knock at the of us, ” says Birgitte Qvist-Sørensen, who is the secretary general of danchurchaid.

She welcomes, however, that people will also use mobilepay to support the organization.

– I think it is fine and a little fun, that people respond that way. I must just say that we get together some money. But we are also sorry that we have cancelled our fundraiser, she says.

the Facts on corona-recommendation

the Government calls on Friday organizers to cancel or postpone events with over 1000 people on the grounds of coronaviruses.

– It is a call, which we expect will be complied with, the prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S). This is done to prevent coronavirusset spread further.

the Call applies to the end of march.

* Events with 1000 or more participants is desired deferred or cancelled. It happens to curb smittefaren.

* At events with less than 1000 participant encouraged the organizers to consider infection risk by conducting the event.

* the Authorities calls, furthermore, to refrain from the hugs, the kiss on the cheek and a handshake when you meet and keep distance from each other to limit the coronasmitte.

* in Addition, calls on the authorities to cough in his sleeve, and has a good hand hygiene.

* the Danes, who are considering travel abroad should update himself on the state department’s website almost daily.

* Health authorities, bringing together all the information on the coronavirus, a place on the website coronasmitte.dk, so you only need to inform a place.

* the Danes must reckon with the ongoing briefingerne from the authorities – perhaps daily.

Sources: Press conference at the prime minister’s office.

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Although Farmand14’s negative comment has gotten people to fork out, counting on the secretary-general with a worse outcome from the gathering than expected.

– We had set as a goal to collect nine million dollars. We have never collected anything like this on the digital platforms, so we’ve talked about, that we get less money into. Our gathering takes place in the morning, where our collectors use some hours to make it digital, ” says Birgitte Qvist-Sørensen.

danchurchaid has, in the course of Saturday, collected 800.000 kroner, even though the collection only officially starts on Sunday.

the Extra Leaf has been addressed to the user Farmand14, but he has not the answer.