Patient at north Zealand Hospital, Hillerød, denmark are infected with the coronavirus. Eight employees are subsequently sent in hjemmekarantæne, informs the Capital Region.

the Agency for Patient safety have been informed immediately on Saturday night, when you got the positive response, says Anne-Marie Vangsted, director at the Agency for Patient safety are:

– the Agency for Patient safety is now in the process of mapping the patient’s movements and assess who should be quarantined.

– so far, Nordsjællands Hospital Hillerød, denmark informed us that they have sent the 8 employees who have been in close contact with the infected, home in quarantine, have tracked down patients who have had close contact with the infected, and isolation of patients who potentially can be infected.

The infected is now in isolation, tells Jonas Egebart, who is deputy director at the Nordsjællands Hospital Hillerød, denmark.

– as soon As we got the suspicion that there could be talk about COVID-19, we decided to isolate the patient. When the positive sample was available, we started with smitteopsporingen at the hospital and transferred the patient to the infectious disease Clinic.

– It should be mentioned that already at the arrival to the hospital, was the patient and an accompanying person affixed to mask the pga. respiratory symptoms. The patient has had protective equipment on, while he has been on the a & e department.

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