Few will be the people who choose their car without caring about the color of the body. For many, this aesthetic criterion is very relevant. However, as much as you liked the hue when you bought your vehicle, over the years it may tire of it. Or maybe you bought it second hand and it didn’t convince you at all.

To this is added that, with the passage of time and use, the paint deteriorates. The heat and the sun cause it to lose its shine or even “peel”. In addition to scratches and bumps that are not attractive at all.

Whatever the reason, you make the decision to paint your car, either some parts or in its entirety. What should you keep in mind during the process? In addition to choosing the color that you want your car to look like now, there are certain procedures to take into account.

The price to paint the car depends on different factors. Obviously, it will be cheaper if you only want to affect certain parts instead of painting its entire surface. Also, it is usually more expensive if you go to your official dealer, of course the quality and result will be better.

The type of paint is another point that influences the price, as well as whether it is painted by hand or with a spray. The size of the vehicle and the city where you are going to paint it will vary the rate. Also, if parts need to be dislodged, polished or repaired, the price will rise.

Depending on your insurance policy, they may be able to cover the cost of painting, for example if it’s just to cover a scratch. However, the price for painting the car can range between 600 and 2,000 euros.

If you change the color of the car, you must inform your insurance company. Some companies vary their rates depending on the color.

In addition, after any modification or reform in your car, it is imperative to pass the Technical Vehicle Inspection (ITV). However, contrary to popular belief, changing the color of the car is not a serious defect in the ITV. The truth is that you should have no problem passing the inspection. Once the ITV has been passed, you will be issued the new vehicle file indicating the changes made.

The last step is to notify the Directorate General of Traffic of the change in the paint of your car. Although this is only necessary if you have changed the color of the body.

The DGT collects detailed information about your vehicle, including its color, in order to be able to identify it in the event of an accident. Therefore, you must request a new Circulation Permit citing the changes, either in person at the agency’s offices, or through its website. If the renewal is due to a change of service or major reform, the cost of the procedure is 20.81 euros.