Every once in awhile, there is a revolution in the market for every product, and these days it is the new homemade THC for the vape enthusiasts around the globe. Make THC vape juice has some critical advantages over traditional smokes, but due to its legality issues, it may be a bit difficult for some people to get it to work. E-cigs are getting popular among youngsters day after day. THC juice is not just about the natural flavor and kick but also about getting rid of one’s nicotine habit. Enthusiasts out there are curious whether making this juice in their place is secure or not, but now our guide, one can prepare his/her pure THC juice in their apartment’s kitchen.

The number of ways for making your THC Vape juice is as follows.

  1. Based on time

It is not a common method among youngsters because it takes months to shape the cannabis into a vape juice.

You require.

  • Tray
  • Oven
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Freezer
  • Beaker
  • Rice Press
  • Syringes
  • Bottle
  • Stirring tool
  • Cannabis Flowers 7grams approx. with 85ml of liquid
  • Edible Vegetable Glycerin
  • A mixture of propylene glycol


  1. Turn on your oven and set its temperature to 121oC.
  2. In a baking tray, evenly grind cannabis leaves and lay them smoothly on the tray.
  3. Now envelop the baking dish with aluminum foil and place it in the preheated oven.
  4. Now mix 40% of propylene glycol with 50% of vegetable glycerin in a beaker
  5. Heat the tray of cannabis for 45minutes straight.
  6. After heating, let the buds of cannabis cool down. Take out the mixture of Propylene Glycol and Vegetable Glycerin in a pot and properly stir it.
  7. Close the jar and store it for three months.
  8. After three months, reopen the jar and stir it.
  9.  Now squeeze the mixture with the help of press and paper until all the juice is taken out of cannabis, leaving you with an excellent sauce of THC.
  10. Fill the bottles of your e-cigs and enjoy the experience.
  1. Fast Method

It’s the same as the first method, but in this, heat is added to fasten things up.

You will need

  • Baking tray
  • Baking Oven
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Freezer
  • Beaker
  • Rice Press
  • Cheesecloth
  • Syringes
  • Bottle
  • Stirring tool
  • Double boiler
  • Stovetop
  • Thermometer
  • Water
  • Cannabis Flowers 7grams approx. with 85ml of liquid
  • Edible Vegetable Glycerin
  • Propylene Glycol Mix


  1. Turn on your oven and set its temperature to 121oC.
  2. Evenly grind cannabis leaves.
  3. Now, layout the grinded leaves into the baking tray.
  4. Once it is done, put the tray inside the preheated oven with aluminum enveloped on it.
  5. Now mix 40% of propylene glycol with 50% of vegetable glycerin in a beaker.
  6. Use a double boiler and discharge water into it until it reaches 1 inch. The temperature range for discharging is 100 -105oC.
  7. Put the prepared extract in the boiler at 88oC.
  8. Keep the temperature constant for at least an hour.
  9. Take another glass jar and place the press over it. Also, add a few layers of cheesecloth.
  10. Squeeze the mixture with glass press until there is no juice left in the buds.
  11. You are left with some excellent vape juice. Enjoy.
  1. Rosin Extract

The most popular method among enthusiasts out there because, in this, you get the best flavor as well as strength of the liquid.

The following things are required.

  • Natural terpenes
  • Stirring tool
  • Pyrex Glass
  • Flowers of Cannabis
  • Press
  • Parchment Paper
  • Thermometer


  1. Make a bundle from the flowers of cannabis in such a way that it fits in the clamps of the press.
  2. Prepare the press and put the bundle inside the clamps of the press. The heat between a temperature range of 120-140oC and using a thermometer cross-check the values.
  3. Place the heated subject onto parchment paper and fold it. Now squeeze as much as you can for at least 5minutes and then let it cool down.
  4. Until unless you get 0.5 grams of rosin, keep repeating the previous step again and again.
  5. Now take the rosin and put it inside the pyrex glass. Then add some terpenes into it. Remember, 1milliliter of Terpene for 0.5 grams of Rosin.
  6. Now take a pan, add half an inch level water and heat the water, and put the pyrex glass inside.
  7. Keep stirring the prepared mixture until it’s dissolved completely.
  8. A golden-colored mixture is left behind, which can be transferred into your e-cig.
  9. Vape and enjoy your homemade THC pure juice.