Sportsvognsfabrikanten Lamborghini, which is based in coronaramte Italy, has chosen to close down production of cars to 25. march.

Throughout the factory in Sant’agata in Bologna closes from a and with 13. march to and including 25. march.

– This action is a result of social responsibility and high sensitivity to our employees in the extraordinary situation we find ourselves in right now, and which also develops in the rest of the world because of the worldwide spread of the coronavirus, says Stefano Domenicali, president and ceo of Lamborghini, in a press release.

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– As we have done until now, we continue to monitor the situation in order to be able to respond quickly and with the right flexibility and in cooperation with our employees to be able to restart with the right energy at the right time, he says.

the Closure of the factory comes in the wake of a 2019, which was a record year for Lamborghini. Thus, selling Lamborghini in 2019 more cars than ever before. From 2018 to 2019 rose Lamborghinis sales by 43 percent from 5750 cars in 2018 to 8205 cars in 2019.

– the Year 2019 was the most successful in our history. Our team delivered a significant salgsstigning, which has lifted sales to historical highs. In just two years, more than doubling our sales figures – a success which can not be overestimated, said Stefano Domenicali at the time in connection with the publication of the sales figures.

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Lamborghini does not disclose what effect the temporary closure of the plant gets on to the production of the Lamborghini cars.