Scandinavia’s largest circus, Danish Circus Arena, is now also consequences of the rapid spread of the coronavirus at home.

They have chosen to cancel their planned performances in Bellahøj from 10. march to and with 14. april.

It confirms the Circus Arenas press to Ekstra Bladet.

– true to Tradition, we have our landspremiere in Copenhagen, but we have had to cancel and instead advance a month in advance, where the so is being held in Horsens, says Kristoffer Ditlevsen, who is press officer for the Extra Magazine.

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– We hope so that we can come back to Copenhagen in June, when the other performances are over. But us of course after the authorities ‘ instructions and follow the situation. If more needs to be at the other end, and the cancellations is not enough, then we take, of course, it’s up, says he further, and says that the Circus Arenas artists should have met to practice this week, but it has been moved.

the Cancellation was given, among other consequences for tv host Bubber, who, together with singer Julie Berthelsen is the master of ceremonies at the Circus Arena.

– When you’re doing circus, it’s a major kordineringsarbejde. You have a large turnéplan, and it is a big company, to be up and down every time, and it is carefully planned, so that when any of it gets moved, then progressing everything, and the whole thing becomes topsy-turvy, so we have had to make some changes. We hope that we can extend the season and take Copenhagen to the last, but we are not quite there with the part, says Bubber to Ekstra Bladet.

Bubber is again the master of ceremonies, when Circus Arena is coming to the cities in the year. Photo: Ole Steen

He says that the spread of coronaviruses also have created a lot of logistical chaos in comparison to the acrobats who come from afar.

– the Acrobats come from 14 countries, so it is something to get them in, without the danger of anything, and there is a very large work in relation to identify where they come from. It is a lot of chaos and tetris, which should go up in a higher unity.

Bubber even think it is too bad that he now must wait significantly longer to get back in manegen.

– It is a little frustrating since everything is booked, and I had figured that I had to stand in manegen now. So you can say that I am ufrivlligt unemployed the next time. I also have lectures and other things that have been cancelled, says Bubber, and continues:

– But the situation is serious. It is not just entertainment. It is seriousness, and it may be also the brand on the whole country. If it goes wrong, and the healthcare system breaks, then it’s absolutely terrible. You see just how wrong it goes in other countries, and the chaos it causes, and therefore it is also quite understandable that we take measures to to. I can easily go around and think that it is skideærgerligt, but we need to be shared about it here.

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Bubber can look forward to a bit more free time than he had planned, the next time due to coronaviruses. Photo: Jacob Jørgensen

Bubber and tells that the re situation at home has sparked in the mind of him.

– You look, how fragile we are, and you see that what is normal today, can change tomorrow, and you can’t just take for granted that things will remain the same. Everything is changing, and it is a good lesson for us. In this context, we can nothing, if we do not cooperate. It is not about ourselves, it’s about all of us, he says, and adds:

– Before has it been very ‘me, me, me’. Now is it too much, and now we have to take into consideration.

– it’s Going to have an economic impact on you, that is the cancellations?

– It is going to cost society a lot of money. I can not foresee the consequences it may have. We must hope it is not pulling out, and that people respect it, that are set up. If everyone complies with it, we limit risk, he says, and continues:

– I do not think that there is someone who is not being affected by the situation financially. It’s going to cost me. It has a price, but you can’t blame it on others. It is just up on the horse again. But you are really vulnerable in the entertainment industry, if you can’t get people.

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Bubber tries also to get the best out of the situation in a time where everything is uncertain.

– Everything has got limitations, you can’t do anything. I for example vinterbader, and ending it with a sauna. Now is not the sauna. You can’t those things, you wont, if you must indulge. It is like golf without balls. You can not travel. Everything is cancelled, and it is a very strange situation, as you haven’t tried before, he says, and continues:

– So I need to find ideas as to what else I can do. The other day I sat down to watch a documentary, and that I ended up with to sit and watch all three parts. It is a long time ago, that I have crunched three titles in a row.

– And then Julie and I started practicing for the circus, but it is difficult when we do not have manege and light and all this stuff, but we have to get the best out of it, he says further.