Hyundai has encountered a peculiarity that has marked its presence in the Spanish market: the recurring problem associated with the correct pronunciation and spelling of its name. Through the As It Sounds campaign, Hyundai addresses this issue with a touch of humor, inviting the audience to accept and celebrate the multiple variants with which it attempts to identify the brand.

With more than three decades of history in Spain, Hyundai has established itself as one of the most successful automotive brands in the country. However, the Hyundai name remains a conundrum for many, a fact that the As It Sounds campaign cleverly brings to light.

The campaign reveals a surprising fact: every 4.25 seconds, someone misspells Hyundai’s name on the Internet, accumulating up to 610,000 erroneous searches per month with variations such as Jundai, Hundai, or Llundai.

But this does not seem to be something that Hyundai’s Spanish offices worry much about. Far from worrying about these confusions, Hyundai has decided to embrace them with this campaign. “It doesn’t matter how you look for us, the important thing is that you find us,” is the positive message that Hyundai wants to convey to its followers and potential customers, reinforcing the idea that consumer interest and loyalty are what really matters.

This strategy not only motivates the audience to receive mistakes with good humor, but also celebrates the interest that Hyundais generate. Thus, this campaign highlights that, regardless of the variations in its name, what is important is the ease with which consumers reach the brand thanks to it being one of the best positioned in the market.

In this way, transforming a possible weakness into a strength, Hyundai shows that inaccurate searches can reinforce its brand image. According to Nacho Soria, creative director of Havas Creative and responsible for the campaign, who spoke with PRNoticias, this approach responds not only to a feeling of pride in Hyundai’s popularity, but also to an optimistic vision of advertising and presence in the Web. The idea is that being mentioned, even incorrectly, is proof of relevance and presence in the sector.