Whether we like it or not, cycling involves some risks that we must assume. As it is a sport without delimited terrain, we are forced to share the route with motorized vehicles and other elements that can endanger the physical integrity of the cyclist.

Sometimes we can hurt ourselves, a fall is enough. If you use the bike regularly sooner or later it will happen, everyone falls. That is why it is important to be prepared for when it happens and in this article we explain how to treat a wound after falling on a bike, both at the moment and once at home.

The first thing you should do is locate where you have hurt yourself and what the wound looks like. See if it’s just a scrape or if there’s something in it, like sand, rocks, or anything else that might be in the way.

As an immediate action it is important to apply water to the wound and try to remove any dirt particles inside. If you have an empty canister, we recommend you go to any gas station and buy water there, because in these first moments the wound will be very susceptible to infection.

Depending on the degree of the fall, you will see if you are able to get on the bike or if it is impossible. Either by your own foot or thanks to someone who comes to pick you up, return home, today’s route is over.

Once at home and after a good shower it is time to start healing. Although it is always advisable to see a doctor if the wound is considerable, we can follow a pattern that is repeated in the healing of any deep wound.

First we will wash the area well with soap and water, then with a sterile gauze we will make movements from the inside out to eliminate any trace of dirt that could remain. Finally, and with a clean wound, we will apply antibiotic cream to the wound (again with gauze), this process will prevent infection.

Once clean and disinfected it will be time to cover the wound. With gauze on it, we will put on a mesh to prevent them from moving. There are also patches that hook on and although they are more comfortable they are also more expensive.

You should repeat this procedure twice a day while the wound heals, but do not forget to see a doctor so that he can make a professional assessment of what you need. From there you should be guided by your sensations, but if the wound is located in a joint, it is advisable to stop for 15 days to promote recovery. If this is not the case and you feel good, cover it correctly and you can continue training.