On top of the bike, all of us have ever felt a feeling of dizziness and discomfort that has prevented us from continuing with our training. Some complex moments and even a little embarrassing, which are difficult to solve.

This bird generally occurs due to hypoglycemia, which translates into very low blood glucose levels, and usually appears in long-term exercises in which we do not incorporate any source of carbohydrates.

Our main source of energy is carbohydrates. These are broken down into glucose, to later reach the blood and be distributed throughout the body, especially to the muscles that demand more fuel.

The most appropriate carbohydrates are those found in foods with a high glycemic index, which, in turn, are usually easy to digest. In this way, we will let our body focus on physical activity, since the digestion and absorption of nutrients will be much easier and faster.

In the world of sports, energy gels and gummy bars have spread to cover the needs of our body during physical activity. These foods are designed to be quickly absorbed, making them the perfect food to keep up with the demand.

Carbohydrate intake amounts per hour will vary greatly depending on the duration and intensity of training. Generally, we must pay special attention after 70 minutes.

For example, in a 3-4 hour competition, we should provide 60-90 grams of carbohydrates to our body every 60 minutes. In any case, we must get used to these amounts progressively, otherwise, they could make us feel bad.

To begin with, we can take about 40 grams of carbohydrates per hour as a reference, and gradually increase the figure. Also, not all energy has to come from bars and gels. The isotonic drink provides carbohydrates and also helps us maintain optimal salt levels (sodium, potassium and magnesium) for proper hydration and muscle contraction.

In this example we could find a strategy of about 55-65 grams of carbohydrates per hour, perfect for those people who are not very used to incorporating food during outings. In this case, we combine both solid and liquid, so that it is easier and we feel more like eating.

Remember that before incorporating any nutritional strategy you should test it first and make sure it suits you.