Rigmanden Oleg Tinkov is charged with tax evasion in the UNITED states.

It shall notify the UNITED states department of justice, according to the news agency Reuters.

The Russian businessman, who is behind the company TCS Group, has been charged with two cases of falsified reports to the tax authorities.

According to the ministry, he has hidden values and income for a billion dollars (6,8 billion dollars), when he gave up his us citizenship in 2013.

He risks a maximum of six years in prison and fines.

In the last week he was arrested in London, but according to TCS, he was released on bail. Now is discussed the process for the extradition of the Russian.

In Denmark, is Oleg Tinkov probably most known for his time on the cycling team Saxo-Tinkoff, which since changed its name to Tinkoff.

the Businessman went first, check as a sponsor for Bjarne Riis’s former Team Saxo Bank in the summer of 2012.

After the 2013 season bought Tinkov World Tour license of Riis and drive the team further forward to 2016, where it went into solution.

See also: Oleg Tinkov in trouble: Pay the wild bail
See also: Hidden giant-fortune – risks six years in prison