Prison current director, Thorkild Fogde, must from 1. march to be chief of Police.

It informs the ministry of Justice in a press release.

According to the press release it formally to the government, which has decided that the minister of justice can set up for the queen, Thorkild Fogde will become the new rigspolitichef.

the 54-årigeThorkild Fogde has previously been the police commissioner in the north Zealand police, national Police and Copenhagen Police. He has also been deputy permanent secretary in the ministry of Justice.

– I know Thorkild Fogde as the director of the Prison where he has been at the forefront of a major modernisation of the Probation. He has had a long career in the ministry of Justice’s group, which police commissioner in several police districts and, most recently, as director of Prisons, says justice minister Nick Hækkerup in a press release.

– He therefore has a thorough knowledge of the overall legal system, and create the framework for a modern police force to be closer to the citizens, and which at the same time deal with the complexity of organized crime. Therefore, I am sure, to Thorkild Fogde with its long-standing topledererfaring is exactly the right man at the head of the Danish police.

Fogde has been a director in the Probation since 2017, and the position change he is now out with the highest stool from the police.

– I am glad and proud that the minister of justice will set me to the new rigspolitichef at such a crucial time, where the lines for the future of the police should be drawn and implemented. It will be a very big task that I look forward to addressing together with the police, many skilled managers, employees and business partners, says Thorkild Fogde in the press release.

The newly appointed chief of police in 1991 færddiguddannet as cand.jur. His first appointment as police commissioner was when he took over the post in the north Zealand Police in 2009.