23 of the 24 crew members released after they have been remanded in custody in a case of 100 kilograms of cocaine that was unloaded from a cargo ship at the island of Langeland, inform the Police on Wednesday.

An officer from the ship Duncan Island – a 48-year-old light – must be in his cell.

the Freighter came with bananas, and broccoli from ports in Ecuador, in the January set course for Sweden and Russia.

As Duncan Island, passed the island of Langeland 15. February on the way from St. Petersburg, was there from the ship dropped 100 kilos of cocaine to a smaller boat, which then sailed to Spodsbjerg.

the Police followed the discreet and arrested three persons – a freshman and two men from Latvia – who received the many kilos of cocaine. Later was also the entire crew arrested.

The three arrested, who received the many kilos of cocaine as well as a member of the crew is still remanded the case back to 12. march.

Copenhagen Police informs that a search of the ship after a week and a half is over. It has not been an easy task.

– It has been a fairly big task, because Duncan Island measures 178 meters, and on such a ship can be a great many containers. Them, we have had to search, says the head of the Center for special investigation by Copenhagen Police, the inspector Dannie Rise.

the container ship Duncan Island was on the way Guayaquil, Ecuador to St. Petersburg after a brief stop in Helsingborg, sweden. But even though narkoen was thrown overboard on the way through the Danish waters, it is not certain that the substances were intended for the Danish market.

– We are aware that Denmark is a transit country, if you transport drugs in a vehicle and come from the south and f.ex. must to Sweden or Norway, ” says Henrik Sonderby, who is inspector at the Rigspolitiets National Efterforskningscenter (NEC).

out Of consideration for the investigation, have Police present, no further comments.


the 112 – 16. feb. 2020 – pm. 08:46 Ship loaded with cocaine: the Table of Aktionsstyrken

See also: Police on narkoskib: It is an extraordinary case

the 112 – 19. feb. 2020 – pm. 12:21 of Eight seamen from the narkoskib prison