Coronavirussen has in many ways created a most unusual situation in Denmark. Many public institutions are closed, there is hoarded groceries in the country’s shops, border crossings will temporarily close, and the hospitals are all non-emergency operations cancelled.

And just at the hospitals feel strongly that not much is usually. Here, people are now starting to steal håndsprit from the toilets, writing TV SOUTH.

– I can confirm that has disappeared håndsprit from the toilets, and that it is inappropriate behavior. Therefore, we encourage people to let håndspritten hang, so also is the to the next guest, says Mikkel Dybtved-Ntarampa Andersen, who is press officer at the Hospital of southern Jutland.

And it is not only in the toilets of the Hospital of southern Jutland, the thefts going on. Both of the Lillebælt Hospital and Sydvestjysk Hospital confirmed that there rapses håndsprit. The extent of the thefts is, we know not yet.

It is also not easy to get hold of håndsprit right now. And you will find something, you need to to the pockets. At is literprisen usually at 125 dollars, but here are all sold out. At engrobutikken Dagrofa is the price of håndsprit in skumudgave increased to 550 crowns. Dagrofas the press office says to TV SOUTH, that the reason for the high literpris on håndsprit is that the suppliers have hiked prices sharply up.