It is not certain that All England will be played to the end.

A cancellation is still an option, just like it is an option to play the rest of the badmintonturneringen without spectators.

It says Poul-Erik Høyer, president of The International Badmintonforbund (BWF) and a member of The International Olympic Committee (IOC).

– We follow the very closely what is happening elsewhere. And one of the measures, we also think of, is possibly to play without spectators or to cancel.

– We are inside of all thought possibilities, there is, ” says Poul-Erik Høyer.

Friday, the All England has been in full swing, and there have been plenty of spectators on the battens. This is despite the outbreak of the corona virus that is rampant in the whole world – also in England.

– In day (Friday, ed.) we chose to continue, because it is the English badmintonforbund, who have the tournament, and it is up to them in the first place should take the decisions.

– It is something we are going to return later, when we have a meeting again. Things change from hour to hour, and those are also need to change, heralding Poul-Erik Høyer.

It is a resolution, which among other things has created criticism from the Danish profile Hans-Kristian Vittinghus.

you can read more about here: See also: the Great tournament continues: the Danish star in the rebellion

All the while badmintonturneringen in Birmingham to run as if almost nothing had happened, many other sports events canceled or postponed in the rest of Europe.

– Now we have a situation with a tournament here in the Uk, and we can’t postpone it now. It is in progress. It is a lose-lose situation, no matter what we decide, so there will be someone who will be affected by it.

– Anything can happen still, everything is up for reconsideration, and how it will be in the next day for one and a half, says the president.

the Leadership of the BWF and the management of the English organisers Badminton England will hold an extraordinary meeting Friday at 19 Danish time.

– We need to make sure that we are not in a situation that is a nuisance, or goes beyond life and limb.

– There is an increased risk with tournaments with spectators. We can separate the players from the spectators. We can do this by to play without spectators in the weekend.

– Or we can risk a cancellation. It is still on the case, ” says Poul-Erik Høyer.

the BWF also has the power to make a decision that may end up with to finish the All England.

– It will in severe cases be an option, says Poul-Erik Høyer.

See also: Badmintonforbund cancels tournaments after the All England

See also: Abreu a victory from the new All England-the finale