The movement across the Danish-German border is put on standby.

It is the reality on Monday morning, where Germany is expected to close the border to Denmark at 8 o’clock.

Denmark closed the border to Germany is already Saturday.

It is only temporarily. And citizens who live and work on both sides of the border, can still pass.

Still cuts it in the heart of Tønder mayor, Henrik Frandsen.

– It is with a bleeding heart, one must experience it here.

– It is almost impossible to endure to think that we have closed the borders, says the mayor.

He predicts that the grænselukningen have an impact on tourism and retail, but also psychologically for the citizens in the borderlands.

– Our retail is going to notice that there are no German tourists over the border leading up to easter, says Henrik Frandsen.

tourist arrivals is not defined as a creditable purpose and therefore tourists will not be able to cross the border.

There are approximately 600 German daily commute over the border to work in Tønder Municipality.

Although they continue to have the opportunity to cross border, fear Henrik Frandsen more hassle and inconvenience in their daily lives.

– One of my big concerns is that they get more difficult to come up. Especially on the first day, where they may not have received documentation with, says Henrik Frandsen.

And it suggests that the mayor’s prediction holds true.

Monday morning is reported to be queuing and a half hour extra driving time at the border crossing points at Kruså and Frøslev, counts of.

2020 is a special year, where the 100 anniversary of The reunification with Denmark is highlighted.

Although grænselukningen is temporary, it will according to the mayor probably also mean cancelled events.

– All had looked forward to a great celebration of genforeningsåret. Right now is very put on standby. It is very a pity, says Henrik Frandsen.

The big events take first place for the summer, and for the time hope the mayor that the situation at border crossings is normalized.

The Danish grænselukning goods to the and with 13. april, while Germany has announced that grænselukningen apply in ten days.