The price of gasoline has increased by 0.38% and that of diesel by 0.49% in the last week, chaining three consecutive increases. Despite everything, they are still well below those of a year ago around the same dates, when they were at the gates of their all-time highs.

According to the European Union (EU) Oil Bulletin, which has collected data from more than 11,400 service stations in Spain between June 6 and 12, the average price of gasoline stood at 1.594 euros per liter and the diesel at 1,424 euros. Gasoline is 18% cheaper than when its price peaked, while diesel is 25% below.

Since the beginning of the year, in which the 20-cent discount disappeared, the behavior of gasoline and diesel prices has been uneven. Gasoline has risen while diesel, contrary to forecasts, is now cheaper.

The rise in the price of fuel in recent weeks is already reflected in the difference in its cost compared to a month ago. Currently, filling a 55-liter tank with gasoline costs 87.67 euros. In the case of diesel, refueling that same amount now costs 78.32 euros.

Fuels in Spain were in the last week below the average registered in the European Union, where the average price was 1,729 euros per liter for gasoline and 1,552 euros for diesel. Prices were also below those in the eurozone.