Martin Fourcade won his first victory in the World Cup 14. march 2010 in the Finnish Kontiolathi.

And just the place in Finland formed also on Saturday the framework for the French skiskyttes last World Cup races in his career.

The French star announced on Friday that he stops his career after Saturday’s race, and here he thanked of in the best possible way and put a bold line under, that he is one of the best skiskytter through time.

Fourcade started the 12.5-kilometre jagtstart 21 seconds after the Norwegian profile of Johannes Thingnes Bø, but ended up having to catch up with the Norwegian with the beautiful skydninger along the way.

Thus be able to Fourcade to finish, slip the first over the finish line. It was the frenchman’s 83. victory in a World Cup race in his career.

Johannes Thingnes Bø ended up as number four in Saturday’s race. Thus ends the Norwegian just to win the overall World Cup with just two points more than Fourcade.

The 31-year-old frenchman put the skis and the rifle on the shelf after a glorious career.

It has been for the whole 13 WORLD cup gold medals in various disciplines, as well as five OLYMPIC gold medals.

He has also won the overall World Cup seven times – every year from 2012 to 2018.