A decade-long dispute over pension between airline SAS and several hundred former employees go on Tuesday into the next phase, when the appeal case starts in The high Court.

265 retired kabinefolk in a class action sued SAS for 147 million dollars.

controversy, however, is whether the SAS owes the employees a pension supplement, which was put down in 2009. According to the staff, it was unjustified to put the ds down.

the Group, which is organised in association with the Foundation Live, called SAS in 2012.

The retired stewards and stewardesses lost the case in district court in december 2016, where Fund Live was sentenced to pay the costs of about 2.7 billion crowns.

When the SAS were initially summoned in the case, was the carrier in a worse shape than now.

If the appeal ends with a victory for the former kabinefolk, will the 147 million to be to pay for the SAS.

But any expense will come at an inconvenient time when the airline industry is the pressure of the coronavirusset, who seems to have put a damper on the see how they love me.

Such is the assessment from Jacob Pedersen, who is aktieanalysechef in Sydbank, where he follows the airline industry and SAS close.

– If the SAS go and lose the case, it will make a serious inroad into the profits which the company may otherwise look forward to in the year.

– It will together with coronavirusset be to make the year a, where the earnings are lower than normal.

– But it will not come to a place where it here the amount alone can be life-threatening for the SAS. Not at all, says Jacob Pedersen.

For comparison, he expects the SAS in the year will earn in the region of 670 million kroner before tax.

Last retsdag in the case in The high Court is 20. march. Then one-two months before the fall of judgment.