According to the national board of Health, who has looked at the sygdomsstatistikker from China, it seems that long-standing smokers may find it easier to be infected with coronavirus than with other patients.

The foræller Bolette Søborg, who is a senior physician at the national board of Health, to DR.

Smoking is a risk factor, we can see. But it is far from the same, as all smokers are at risk. What we can see is that among the group of infected people are several smokers who have been affected.

There are as yet no figures on how long one must have been smoking to get in the danger zone.

The fifth and sixth dane has now been found infected with the coronavirus.

Globally, approximately 91.000 infected. 47.225 is reported healthy and 3117 have lost their lives.

Right now is 122 danes in hjemmekarantæne. According to the Danish Health and medicines authority can be between 10-15 percent of the Danish population can expect to be infected.