For effective road safety, we must not only take into account the variables that are in our hands, such as respecting signs and the speed limit. We must also take into account the presence of other vehicles on the road.

The large volume of so-called heavy vehicles – trucks and buses – is an aspect that we should not overlook when we drive near one of them. We have to anticipate certain limitations and dangers, adopting precautions that are not so important when it comes to sharing the road with conventional passenger cars. Take good note of the mistakes you should not make when driving near a truck or bus.

Respecting the safety distance with other vehicles is essential, but we must increase it even more in the case of trucks and buses. Given their dimensions and weight, they need more space and time to stop, especially if they are loaded. Consequently, we must increase our separation from them to minimize the risk of range.

Heavy vehicles have many blind spots, something you’ll want to take into consideration if you drive near one. If you are about to change lanes or overtake them, make sure they have seen you and always use your turn signals, as well as your car’s lights when necessary for visibility reasons (at night, on cloudy days or in tunnels).

Weather conditions are another determining factor in road safety. Keep in mind that in the rain there is less visibility and, in addition, heavy vehicles splash a lot more water when the road is wet. Additionally, this will worsen your braking grip. Therefore, you will have to increase the safety distance even more.

If you are about to overtake them or are driving behind one, speed up the wiping of the windshield wipers, keep your vehicle’s direction steady and avoid dangerous maneuvers such as overtaking in areas of poor visibility.

Regarding overtaking heavy vehicles, keep in mind that after one of them the visibility is less. Make sure the maneuver is safe, avoid getting too close to the bus or truck, take into account its length to calculate the time in which you will occupy the opposite lane on two-way roads and return to your lane as soon as you see the heavy vehicle by your side. interior mirror.

In addition, you must anticipate the ‘screen effect’ that occurs on days with a lot of wind, as it could push you slightly after passing the truck or bus and cause you to invade the opposite lane or leave the road.

Finally, you must respect their space to allow them maneuvers such as turns or traffic through roundabouts. They may need to open up more and occupy the opposite lane, so you should anticipate these situations and facilitate their driving to avoid risks.