Health is a very important aspect in the lives of everyone. It is the reason why any new information or discovery is significant.

The public deserves to know any new information about health, medicine, well-being, medical technology or advancement. They also want to know who their doctors are, their expertise and any update with them. People want to know about health insurance and the happenings in the health industry.

This kind of story is important not only for medical practitioners, but also for the public. A health press release is a marketing tool that informs the press how the people are more likely to benefit from it.

If you are a medical expert, writing a press release can help your career in so many ways. But of course, you need to ensure that it reaches the right audience. This is how important press release distribution is.

After writing your press release. You may hire a service to distribute your news:

  1. Improved visibility and trust.

When your story appears on many sites, more people will know you. They discover what you do, how you can help them as a medical professional, and what you can offer.

For instance, when people read your story that you are joining a trade show in a certain area, the people who already know you are most likely to be there to support you. Moreover, people who don’t know you can discover and learn more about you.

You can highlight your new discovery or a research that you just have done in the trade show. Your improved visibility is a sure way to gain people’s trust and boost your credibility.

  1. Improved readership and customer base.

When a distribution service distributes your release, it is more likely to reach the 80 million people searching for news daily. Using a service makes it possible for you to appear in various search engines, sites and locations.

This means, more people would be aware of you and your story. If you write about the award given to you by an Oncology association recently, people reading it are more likely to trust you. They would think that you are a thought leader in your industry.

With your expertise, they are more likely to take consultation with you, rather than other oncologists. Keep in mind the power of word of mouth.

  1. You build your image as an industry expert.

As discussed above, when people learn that you are doing something worthwhile in the medical industry, they are more likely to trust you. Medicine is a critical line of career, showing that you have certifications in different kind of surgeries or mode of technology treatment raises your standards.

When you can do more, people would value as a significant personality in the industry. They would brand you as a thought leader.

  1. Cost-effective.

Using a distribution service is a cost-effective method to gain publicity. Yes, it’s not free, but it’s like that because it provides results. “You get what you pay for.”

When you appear in different sites and locations, they link back to you. These organic links make you appear on the first page of the search engine result pages.

Appearing in the SERP is good for your SEO. When people look for a keyword term that you use in your content, they are most likely to find you.

More site visits can improve your leads and sales.

  1. You have the tendency to go viral.

These days, viral content isn’t only limited to fashion, food and baby stories. Any interesting and newsworthy content can go viral.

When you use a press distribution service, your press release can appear in different social networks because they have social media buttons that make it easy for the people to share it with their followers. The more people read your story, the higher its tendency that your content is shared.

Sharing your content is good for your business as a medical professional. When your content became viral, you can become an instant celebrity in the medical field. It means more income for you.