Inflation stalks savings. In April, prices rose again to close at 3.3%, which once again reduced the purchasing power of the money that we keep in banks and that is not remunerated. Investing it is one of the formulas that will allow us not only to avoid this loss, but also to make it grow.

The arrival of the Internet has democratized investment with the appearance of automated managers, known as robo advisors. What does it consist on? These robo advisors use algorithms to invest, but always with a team of experts behind them who decide the composition of the portfolios, which in the long run means generating above-average returns because make no mistake: beating the market is their main objective. has every investor.

To achieve this, there are several mechanisms that these robo advisors use. One of them is diversification. Robo advisors invest in index funds that attempt to replicate global indices. So, when choosing one, it should have at least five indexed portfolios to be able to choose the one that best suits our risk profile. The InbestMe robo advisor, for example, has up to 10 risk profiles.

However, there is another aspect that allows you to further maximize your investment with automated managers. And robo advisors are characterized by charging very low management fees and fund fees, in other words, in the long term it means an increase in profitability. In the case of InbestMe, the total commissions range between 0.33% and 0.66%.

But InbestMe is not the only Spanish robo advisor. Another of the best known is Finizens, whose commissions are between 0.63% and 0.68%. However, investors can benefit from its commission reduction program, as for every year the client invests with Finizens they will benefit from an annual cut in these charges.

Another option to invest without taking great risks, obtaining attractive returns and not having to pay high commissions are monetary funds. These products have recently experienced a period of splendor thanks to the rise in interest rates by the ECB, since monetary funds invest in products that benefit from this shift in monetary policy.

For example, deposits, very short-term State debt, such as Treasury Bills, and even liquidity, are part of the assets of these investment vehicles. As for the returns that can be found, the investor is around 4%. This is the case of the Revolut Flexible Account.

This is a monetary fund, which has an expected return of up to 3.97%, depending on the plan chosen. Furthermore, the investor can contract this product for just one euro and the interest settlement is carried out daily, which allows passive interest to be generated and the capital to increase.

In addition, when you open a Revolut Account you have access to other advantages such as a debit card that allows you to withdraw money abroad up to 200 euros at no cost or pay with the best exchange rate in another currency.

InbestMe also markets a monetary fund with a profitability of 3.60%. This is your Savings Account in euros. This product has no requirements of any kind, since they do not require you to link. It also does not limit the investment capital and the money can be withdrawn at any time.