Various factors could affect the popularity of the products you sell. One of them is the packing. It might seem like a minor detail, but the packaging is the first thing people see when they look at the products they want to buy.

You need to have great ideas that will make the packaging unique. You may get inspiration from existing designs and transform them to suit your brand.


These are great design ideas that easily catch attention. It looks simple, but people are familiar with it. They won’t have a hard time figuring out what is inside if they see clear patterns from the package. They are also most likely to pick it over other options.

Consider the available space

In packaging, every inch counts. Therefore, you need to make sure that the box has something for people to look at. However, make sure that it does not overwhelm the whole design. Spaces can also be a part of the plan. There are even packages which are covered entirely in black, with only a few words on it. The package looks simple but still captivating.

Make it an experience

Apart from the labels, you also need to consider how people will feel opening the product. If you notice, these days, the unboxing of phones is becoming popular on YouTube. Although the goal is to know more about the product, the feeling when unboxing the phone is crucial. They need to feel excited as they unbox it, without making it too difficult for them.

Complement the product

When you are selling organic products, the package must also reflect something about nature. It allows people to have a sense of what is inside it. If you intend to use transparent packages where people can see the product, complementary packaging will make even more sense.

Don’t be afraid to play with the design

Try something new if you want the package to stand out. Don’t be scared that people will not appreciate it. If there is something you would like to try because you think it will help communicate your brand better, use it. Don’t be afraid of using colours and shapes, either. They make the cover more interesting, so they are worth trying.

Use texture

People are not just visual. They also love the product when there is a unique sensation upon touching it. Therefore, you can use rough or silky textures to make it interesting for them. As long as it does not hurt them, you can use textures.

You can make all these designs happen with the help of bespoke packaging. The package must be unique to your brand. When people see the cover, they will immediately know it is your product. In the long run, you can increase their interest in what you sell if you get their attention starting with the label. Evaluate the effectiveness of the packaging and decide what changes to make in the future.
