the Singer Bridge, who is daily called Kevin Andreasen, is one big smile these days, after a nerve-wracking birth, he can now call himself an uncle to a little girl.

he says to Ekstra Bladet.

– It’s wonderful. I have never tried to be on the sidelines for a birth before, and it is, of course, especially for me when it is my sister. I have never been an uncle before, it is really something special, he says with clear delight in his voice.

The little girl came into the world Tuesday after a long birth, which gave the family concerns.

– There were some complications in the birth, as did we in the family had a lot of worries. I can’t say what was wrong, but it was something with the heart rhythm. The birth took 38 hours, at least. It is very. Not just for us in the family, but also for my cool sister, he says and continues:

It was so cool to see her sister suffer in the way. It was actually a little scary. There were 12 doctors inside of her.

Danish well-known – 28. feb. 2020 – pm. 09:09 After the dramatic bride: – I have found a new

Directly when asked if they feared for this little sneeze well, he says:

– You always think the worst. I’m just glad that she has it good.

In the run-up to the birth hit a long series of updates Kevin Andreasen’s Instagram profile, and it was clear to everyone that he rejoiced very much to be uncle. It is also a sense of pride that characterizes him today.

– I am totally proud. It is huge. I have never tried such a thing here before. I could not help but to post it on Instagram, because I was so proud, smiles through the phone.

Kevin Andreasen is still single after the breakup with Elina Dahl. He sees a new one, but he choose to take it quite quietly. He does not want to disclose who she is, before they have had time to learn each other properly to know around kameraernes eye. He acknowledges, however, that the birth of his little niece has put the time in mind whether to have children.

– It has it certainly. I have gone with the idea of having children soon, but it should also be with the right. I must admit that when I saw the little gold nugget, got the feeling just 50 percent extra, he laughs.

the Bridge is ready to give it gas in 2020. Photo: Mogens Flindt

In december 2019 revealed Kevin Andreasen that he had been through both an anxiety and stressforløb. He returned, however, ready to regain the Danish music scene, as he has done before with hits such as ‘Where are you bro’ and not the least sommerhittet ‘South’.

Danish celebrity – 14. dec. 2019 – at. 13:45 English singer-establishment of anxiety and stress

Together with her regular team, consisting of Basim, Carl Altino and Thomas Mårtensson, is he making new songs for the many fans.

– The boy (Basim, ed.) has an amazing talent to be able to get the best out of me. I tell what has happened, and what I’d like to sing about, and then he can formulate it in a completely different and wilder than I even can. He is my teacher, says Kevin Andreasen and ends.

– I have been totally tryghedsnarkoman, before I moved away from home, but I have finally learned to enjoy being alone. In the past I had to constantly be with others, where I now actually better like to slam a series of on and flatten it on the couch. I have finally come to me over my stress and anxiety and is fully ready to conquer the year 2020.