The former team he will play in the Triathlon Denmark Michael Krüger is together with triatleten Sif Bendix Madsen has been convicted for breach of anti-doping rules.

Krüger excluded for four years, while Sif Bendix Madsen is excluded for one year, to apply a method which is contrary to the national anti-doping rules.

It has the Idrætsforbunds (DIF) Dopingnævn definitely, write the DIF in a press release.

the Case has been brought before the tribunal of Anti-Doping Denmark.

DIF writes in the press release that the cases do not involve banned substances, but that it alone is the use of a method, contrary to the anti-doping rules, which will have consequences.

According to the rules, it is prohibited to get intravenous infusions or injections of more than 100 millilitres in the course of 12 hours. Sif Bendix Madsen has admitted to having received an infusion of 500 milliliters of saline solution.

saline solution is not on the dopinglisten, but it is the method.

the Liquid and infusionsudstyret were handed over to Sif Bendix Madsen through her family of erstwhile team he will play for Michael Krüger.

the Penalty for the Sif Bendix Madsen was up to four years of exclusion, but dopingnævnet have placed emphasis on the fact that she was only 17 years old when the infringement took place, and that she did not know that there was an illegal method.

Sif Bendix Madsen had in the 2018 big success at the youth OLYMPICS. In Buenos Aires, she won silver in the individual competition and in team competition fought she, together with Italy, Switzerland and Portugal to the gold.

Both Sif Bendix Madsen and Michael Krüger has been banned provisionally since 28. June 2019, and the period will be deducted from the exclusion, which they have been sentenced.