In Italy, citizens in several cities have begun to sing from the balconies and windows to increase the sense of unity in a period when Italy is shut down because of the corona virus.

the Page has sangfænomenet spread to several other places, including Denmark.

It writes the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which refers to a series of videos on social media.

Italy is the country in the world, after China recorded the most individuals who are infected with coronaviruses and those who have lost their lives as a result of the virus.

More than 21,000 are infected, while more than 1400 have died in the country. It shows a statement from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA, on the night of Monday Danish time.

It has got the Italian authorities to close the country down and ask all citizens to be indoors.

in Order to keep their spirits up in a difficult time citizens began in the Italian city of Siena in Tuscany to sing from the window, so the song rungede in the empty streets.

the Idea has been picked up in several places in Denmark, though the danes have not yet got the message not to move outside.

for Example, shows a video, which is posted on Facebook how the citizens in Østerbro sing ‘You’ve Got a Friend’.

In Nørrebro, people gathered on the balconies on Thorsgade to sing, ‘today It is a weather’.

According to Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten has residents on Godsbanegade in copenhagen arranged a similar approach, where, among other things, to be sung ‘There is a lovely country’ on Monday evening at seven o’clock.

Also in Aarhus is a similar initiative on the road. Here have an event on Facebook that will arrange the music in Aarhus, every evening at six o’clock, got 250 people to indicate that they will attend.