the Courts establish from Friday emergency, informs the Danish Courts on its website. Preparedness to carry out the critical tasks of the judiciary and the goods provisionally in two weeks.

In the Court in Hillerød, you go sharply to work. They outlaw the audience – including the press access to court hearings. President Betina Heldmann recognises that it is illegal, but that there is a nødretstilstand.

– It has been a really tough decision. But we have decided it after the prime minister’s announcement that the public sector shuts down, she says to Ritzau.

It will be up to the individual courts to organise the hearings having to be cancelled, and which do not. Information about this will be published on the individual court website.

On the Right, in The website says the Thursday morning, only to court hearings, as necessary, will be held. It is, among other things, grundlovsforhør and the application of pre-trial detainees.

the Participants of the hearings will be closed in at the rear entrance, and the press don’t get access to the hearings.

To close the hearings to the public is a step which immediately moves on the edge of both the Constitution and the code of civil procedure.

the Constitution says in paragraph 65: ‘In the administration of justice conducted public and mundligthed to the extent possible’. And the code of civil procedure is even more evident in the section 28 a.

It reads: “court Hearings are public, unless otherwise provided by law or in accordance with law.

And the president Betina Heldmann acknowledges that there is no legal right in the starting to ban spectators and reporters in court.

– There is no basis in law for it, and we have it really bad with it. But we feel ourselves obliged to it, and we hope that things develop, so we can follow the rules in the code of civil procedure, says Betina Heldmann.

the Danish Courts. encourages citizens who have an errand at the local court on Thursday, to orient themselves on the court’s website and in case of doubt, contact the court.

From the website you can find links to all course websites. It applies to both urban and landsretter.