Prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) will help and compensate the business sector, there are already gasping for breath, because coronavirussen rumble across the globe.

On the basis of the conversations we have had with business over the weekend and today, we go on as the government at three tracks, told Mette Frederiksen, who calls the situation ‘serious’.

Some industries are more affected than others. Right now it is especially tourism, the travel industry and oplevelsesindustrien. It moves so quickly, that the industries concerned pay the bill already. We can see this quite dramatically.

– Here, we enter into close cooperation with the business community to find solutions – it can be solutions in relation to vat and tax.

another track that will be looked at from the political side, is liquidity.

– A number of companies will quite quickly find that there is not enough money. If f.ex. many employees should be sent home in quarantine, said the prime minister, who promised that the ‘responsible ministers in the course of a short time will present initiatives’.

the Third track is about compensation at the background of the government’s request to cancel events with more than 1000 people.

– Some get trapped here. Working on the model for compensation, said the prime minister.