The president of CEV Castellón, Luis M. Martí, announced this morning the preparation of a Strategic Plan for the economic development of the province of Castellón, which will be led by the Business Confederation of the Valencian Community (CEV) and which will have the collaboration of the Universitat Jaume I (UJI), the Valencian Institute of Economic Research and the support of the Castellón Provincial Council.

The objective of the plan is that “it allows us to define actions, strategies, and a realistic calendar to boost our economy and create jobs,” Martí assured. The action will start from an Economic Forum that will be held at the beginning of the year in Castellón and that will be born as a result of the Castellón Economy Manifesto promoted by the entire Castellón society: companies, workers, institutions, administrations and civil society.

Likewise, he has assured that the situation of the province’s industry is unprecedented and temporary. “We do not understand how the crisis in the ceramic industry is being addressed. It is incomprehensible not to realize that helping our industry is helping the entire territory, and that we cannot afford the cost of not doing so,” lamented the president of CEV Castellón, who has highlighted that the aid “has been late and insufficient and with obstacles that were difficult to overcome.”

Along these lines, Martí has ??assured that “we are not going to delegate our future and we are going to demand all the help that we need, and that, in fairness, we deserve.” “We cannot allow a cyclical crisis caused by a cause exogenous to us to become a structural problem and waste all the work done in recent years,” he added.

The president of CEV Castellón has defended that “Castellón has all the necessary elements to get out of this situation; grow and contribute significantly to the progress of our community and our country.” For this reason, he stressed, “from CEV we will continue, day by day, demanding the urgency of having the necessary help to overcome the crisis in which we are immersed.”