If you do not have enough savings to purchase a property, Public Protection Housing (VPO) is a good option, but in the future it may be necessary to change residence. What can you do then?

It is possible to sell a VPO, but you must keep in mind that, just like moving in, there are conditions and deadlines to meet for this, in addition to the consequence of not being able to access one again in the future.

The first thing you need to know is that the conditions for selling an Officially Protected Housing change depending on the length of time it has been owned, and the type of VPO according to the royal decree law that protects it, which is why the first The next step is to know what type of VPO you have. You can find this information at the local Housing Office, or on their website.

The new housing law establishes time periods during which VPOs are protected and, therefore, cannot be freely transferred. These terms are from 30 to 50 years depending on the housing development, the year of construction and regional legislation, but don’t be scared, the VPO can be sold sooner.

If less than these years of protection have passed, the VPO can be sold only if it is demonstrated that there is an express need for it and a disqualification authorization is obtained. For example, the obligation to change location for work reasons, the difficulty of residence in the home due to an increase in the family unit or due to the needs of one of the members over 65 years of age.

If, on the other hand, you want to sell the VPO after residing in it for a minimum of 30 years – without retroactive effect -, disqualification will not be necessary, since the home itself goes from being under a protected regime to being free, and, therefore therefore, without restrictions or requirements.

To sell a VPO, the first thing is to request the authorization of voluntary disqualification from the Administration of the autonomous community, and to do so you must meet certain conditions that vary depending on the community.

In general terms, the sale price of the home will be limited under the criteria of the autonomous community, the amount of aid received for access to protected housing must be returned, as well as the corresponding legal interest, and the buyer must comply with the requirements stipulated to acquire a VPO. It goes without saying that the public administration has priority in purchasing the property even before it reaches the market.

Likewise, you must request an authorization for the sale at the local Housing Office, or on its website, after presenting a series of documents: the owner’s identity document, proof of the aid received, classification of the social housing official, simple note from the Property Registry, file number of the land or property, and mortgage certificate or contract that certifies the type of loan.

Finally, after receiving the authorization, you will have to present it at one of the official branches of the Housing Office to formalize the sale. From this moment on, the property stops being VPO and becomes free housing.

Selling a Social Protection Housing requires many procedures, so it is always very helpful to have the support of a professional from the sector to accompany us in the operation.

A real estate expert will be able to carry out the procedures described in the article, from consulting the situation of the home and its sales conditions, to finding the buyer who meets the purchase requirements.