The lack of dollars and the problems with imports are bringing complications in the least expected places, even in the state agencies of Argentina.

This is happening with the Mint: due to the lack of supplies to make vehicle license plates – a power of that organization – the Directorate of the National Registry of Automotive Property (DRNPA) had to extend the use of license plates of paper.

Specifically, through a resolution, the DRNPA extended beyond the 30 days initially set the permit to circulate with provisional paper plates to those who have requested the replacement of the plate, while it attempts to normalize the delivery of the official plates, as published the specialized site Motor1.

The DRNPA Circular maintains that “the S.E. Mint, in its capacity as provider of this registry element, has stated that it has immediate difficulties in regularizing the provision of orders made by the different registry offices.”

For this reason, “the provisional paper plates delivered to users within a period of thirty (30) days are extendable as long as the Registry does not deliver the definitive ones, and will maintain the same validity for circulation on public roads as the metal plates”, adds the circular.

And it concludes: “Without prejudice to the actions that are being carried out to regularize the delivery of metal plates, it is noted that this Circular will be brought to the attention of the national and provincial Security Forces and the National Customs Administration in order to avoid inconveniences to users of the registration system”.

Although the extension of the deadlines for driving with a paper license plate is only for those who request renewal, a special situation has been occurring for some time: many owners of zero kilometer cars noticed that the plate begins to fade after a couple of washes and They were forced to order a replacement.

To complete the procedure before the Registry it is necessary to make an appointment through the website. In the case of the new Mercosur patents that are faded, as is a failure of origin, another original game is delivered, that is, one that is not duplicated. But the corresponding green and blue cards must also be replaced.

To begin the process, the owner of the vehicle must present his or her ID, the title and the vehicle’s green ID. Once the payment is made, he must return within 24 hours. There, if he keeps them, he must present the license plates and in exchange he receives two provisional paper license plates that he must stick on the windshield and rear window of the vehicle to circulate.