But målmandetræner through 12 years and the OB legend Lars Høgh, was in 2018 affected by cancer of the pancreas and got a relapse in 2019, when the cancer had spread to the liver.

But after successful chemo-course is Lars Høgh now once again so fresh that he feels ready to step back into the job of the Danish national team, when the players later this month to gather prior to the testkampene against the Faroe islands and England. It tells the keeper to troelsbech.com according to the times.gb

– I bet on it. I’ve got good indications from the last two scans. I got a relapse, where the cancer had broken out again and it had spread to the liver. It was a hard blow for the family, who thought I was going to be brisk after the first successful treatment. But after the sound me 14 days, I came on his feet again. Fortunately, cysten responded well on kemoen, which of course is my friend, but as I have been able to stop with a month ago, says Lars Høgh.

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The 61-year-old goalie-legend has save many years also been associated with Bolton as goalkeeping coach, and here is the offence as goalkeeping coach quietly going again – however provisionally at half time compared to the past.

Lars Høgh managed to play the entire 817 games for OB and reached throughout his career eight games on the national team – including two during the famous WORLD cup in 1986, where he kept the box in the fighting against Germany and skæbnekampen against Spain, where a hoped for place in the quarter-finals were shattered when the spaniards won with the whole 5-1.

Sports and Games BIG Best in the interview: – I think, then the chain falls completely by the