A control by the Civil Guard in the AP-7 complicated the lives of the drivers who were returning home after the Holy Week holidays. The agents of the police force will install themselves on the highway at the height of the Ametlla de Mar for reasons that the Catalan Traffic Service (SCT) “does not know”. The Mossos had to intervene to lift the control and facilitate circulation in the middle of the retorno operation.

In an interview in El món on RAC1 this Tuesday, the director of the SCT, Ramon Lamiel, has confirmed that a control by the Civil Guard “harmed” the drivers who were driving on the AP-7 in the Terres de l’ area. fever. The motorway has been in the spotlight since the erection of the toll barriers, which have turned it into a funnel.

The control of the Civil Guard “was lifted immediately because the Mossos did their job”, explained Lamiel, who admits that he “does not know” why the Civil Guard decided to organize it on such a sensitive day for traffic as the return operation from Easter .

Beyond this incident, Lamiel was “relatively satisfied” with the evolution of mobility on the roads during these dates, which ended with fewer retentions than last year.

This news was originally published on RAC1.