The coronavirus is impacting almost all aspects of our lives. But even as lockdowns lift in certain states, the virus is nowhere near being fully contained. Local hospitals and essential businesses are taking the brunt of the impact. Frontline healthcare workers and essential business workers like grocery store employees are putting their lives at risk by helping the general population. With that said, there are plenty of ways regular citizens can help.

One of the easiest ways to help, of course, is to listen to your local health ordinances and stay home if possible. Another way to assist the fight against coronavirus is by donating supplies. Not sure what to donate or how? We’ve assembled a helpful guide below.

Bulk cloth face masks

One of the most in-demand items for health care workers is bulk cloth face masks. They are in short supply due to supply chain issues, so if you have the ability to donate this helpful item, do it! To donate your face masks, contact your local hospital or health department so they can be properly donated and distributed based on need in your immediate area.

You can also visit the site, to get more specific information on what kind of face masks are needed most.

Handmade masks

If you’d like to donate handmade masks, it’s important to check with local healthcare workers and hospitals to ensure that they accept them. Not all healthcare institutions will take them. Although it’s true that homemade masks don’t offer the same protection as medical-grade masks, a homemade mask is better than nothing at all.


One of the best ways to celebrate frontline workers and grocery store workers is by treating them to a catered lunch or breakfast from a local café or restaurant. It’s an extremely easy way to show appreciation. Make sure you choose an option that allows you to pick food for a range of different dietary needs.

Another option is to donate gift cards from local establishments. Avoid getting them gift cards to chains, instead focus on smaller businesses that could use the influx of cash. Remember, the Olive Gardens and Chipotles of the world will weather the economic storm caused by the coronavirus just fine, but your neighborhood restaurant run by a small business owner will have a much harder time. Buying gift cards and supporting small business helps both those businesses and workers at the same time – it’s a win-win!

Monetary donations

Many hospitals and non-profit organizations accept cold hard cash in lieu of medical products and other essential items. Monetary donations also allow these organizations to spend and distribute money on where it’s most needed instead of getting donations of products they might not need or even use.


Medical-grade sanitizer is another product that is in short supply amid the pandemic. If you have sanitizer you can donate, many hospitals and other essential businesses will gladly take them.


Goggles and safety glasses

One of the surprising ways that the coronavirus is able to infect you is through your eyes. There have been a few cases where the coronavirus has gotten people infected through the eyes, so goggles and safety glasses are growing increasingly important. If you have these items laying around, call up your local hospital or health organization to offer them up for use.

Flight miles or flight vouchers

If you have a lot of miles through your rewards program or want to donate flight vouchers, it’s a great gift for healthcare workers who might be in the weeds fighting this virus for the foreseeable future. Gifting a hospital with flight vouchers and miles allows healthcare workers a glimpse of a more positive future where they can use the miles for vacations free of charge or to fly to see their families.


The pandemic has proven to be a very serious issue that is changing life as we know. However, you can still do you part as a regular citizen by helping out where you can. If you have necessary medical supplies, contact your local hospital to donate them. But most importantly, stay home when you can and listen to your local health care orders. Remember, we’re all in this together.