The winegrower Xavier Gramona, vice president of the hundred-year-old sparkling wine brand Gramona and one of the promoters of the Corpinnat brand, died this Friday at the age of 63, according to sources in the sector. Xavier Gramona was also vice president of the Catalunya Cultura Foundation. Xavier Gramona in the Historical Cave where the sparkling wine sleeps waiting to arrive at the table

Along with his cousin Jaume, oenologist and president of the company, he has led the fifth generation of the Gramonas, who in 2021 celebrated 100 years of making sparkling wines and 141 as winegrowers.

The two cousins ??opted for long aging and sustainability, and now they were working on the transfer of the management of the company to the sixth generation: Lleonard (son of Xavier) and Roc (of Jaume).

Xavier Gramona had grown up knowing the family tradition in the vineyards of Sant Sadurní d’Anoia (Barcelona) but he began working in the business and financial sector outside of Gramona until, at the age of 35, he began to get involved in the company.

From Gramona, she was one of the main promoters of the Corpinnat brand, created in 2017 by Catalan producers of sparkling wines from Penedès (Barcelona) that until then were in the D.O. Digging.

The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, has sent his condolences via Twitter to the family and friends of Xavier Gramona, “a benchmark in the wine sector and tireless entrepreneur”.

The director of the Institut Català de la Vinya i el Vi de la Generalitat (Incavi), Alba Balcells, has also highlighted on the social network that Gramona had values, elegance, human quality and talent: “Demonstrating that a family business in our country can to be a great company. The imprint of the artisans of time that will last”.

Gramona was also vice president of the Fundació Catalunya Cultura, which in a tweet expressed dismay at the death of “who has been an example of generosity and commitment” to the entity.

The foundation was created in 2014 to promote collaboration between the business and cultural sectors, with the aim of creating instruments that promote culture, talent and creativity.