
Melody Sasser, a 48-year-old woman from Tennessee, has been sentenced to more than eight years in prison for planning to have her desired boyfriend’s fiancée killed. She pleaded guilty to using interstate commerce facilities to arrange the murder, as reported by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Tennessee. In addition to her prison time, she has been ordered to pay over $5,300 to the victim and serve three years of probation upon her release.

Sasser’s attempt to hire a hitman took place on the dark web site “Online Killers Market” (OKM), which falsely claimed to provide murder-for-hire services. She provided specific instructions for the murder of a woman in Alabama who was married to a retired Air Force veteran.

The investigation into Sasser’s actions began in April 2023 after a foreign law enforcement agency alerted U.S. authorities about the murder plot. Messages from a user named “cattree” on OKM were discovered, linking back to Sasser. She had requested the murder of the woman she viewed as an obstacle to her romantic desires. Details of the intended victim’s life, including photos, office location, car license plate number, and descriptions of her home and pets, were provided by Sasser.

Despite her detailed planning, the hit had not been carried out by March 2023, leading to Sasser’s impatience. She sent multiple messages to the supposed hitman, expressing frustration with the delay and demanding updates.

Authorities were able to trace Sasser’s Bitcoin transactions to the dark web site, leading to the discovery that she had been tracking the victim’s movements through a fitness app called Strava. This allowed Sasser to monitor the victim and her husband’s whereabouts closely, providing precise information to the potential hitman. The added level of surveillance raised concerns for the victim’s safety.

During a search of Sasser’s home, investigators found a journal detailing her interactions with the dark website, along with cash hidden beneath a sticky note containing a Bitcoin address. This evidence, along with testimonies and financial records, played a significant role in her conviction.

Sasser’s actions stemmed from jealousy and obsession, resulting in a disturbing case of digital-age crime. Her sentencing brings closure to a terrifying situation that could have ended tragically for the victim.