The diets followed by celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston, Bruce Springsteen or Adele may be more attractive after the summer, when many people aim to lose those kilos they have gained during the holidays. But the reality is that the diet plans promoted by influencers and celebrities are not always healthy and, even if they are, it is very likely that they do not fit our needs. “The thing is that each person follows their own guideline, adjusted with a professional. Each person is different,” says dietician-nutritionist Laura Jorge, who gives another example. “Now, on social networks it is a trend to recommend diets to treat SIBO. Many influencers explain the guidelines that have been given to them, but there are different types of this condition, and even if you suffer from the same condition, those tips may not work for you,” the expert insists.

It must also be taken into account that many of the plans promoted by actors and singers tend to be miracle diets. To confirm that this is the case, we can look at whether the regimen in question has any of these characteristics. “Many foods are usually restricted, very low in calories and promise quick results,” lists dietitian-nutritionist Sandra López, from the Barcelona center Alimmenta. . The Spanish Foundation of Dietitians-Nutritionists (FEDN) points out other distinctive features of these diets, such as that they make statements that contradict recognized health groups, they include or are based on the consumption of preparations sold by their promoters, they contain lists of good and bad foods. or they guarantee results and promise to “refund” if they don’t work.

One of the main reasons for not following these types of plans is that 98% fail, according to the Eating Disorder Foundation. In addition, they put physical and mental health at risk. “They make you feel bad because you never reach your goal, you think that there is no solution to your problem,” says López, who warns that if very extreme guidelines are followed, there is a risk of developing an Eating Disorder (ED). To make a change in eating habits, the best option is to forget about magazines and social networks and turn to a nutritionist, who will help us achieve our goals in a healthy way and learn to enjoy food. “We also train patients so that in the future they automatically detect unhealthy recommendations and these types of diets,” says Jorge.

Both experts clarify that it is not necessary to stop consuming content about healthy food on social networks, but that it is important to find out if the person who is giving us guidelines is a dietitian-nutritionist. “If so, we can use it as a basis, but it is important to understand that these are general recommendations and are not adapted to a single person,” recalls López. Next, we review some diets popularized by celebrities that should be avoided: